It's been a long time coming and there has been much rumour and conjecture regarding how much the prices for gaining or renewing a CAA PfCO (drone 'license') are going to increase by.
The figures have finally been announced by the CAA - and it doesn't look like good news for most...
Total Read Time: ~3 Minutes

Where can I find the CAA Costs for gaining or renewing my PfCO?
The costs for all applications regarding the PfCO process can be found in the 'CAA Official Record Series 5 - Scheme of Charges' which is the document series covering the charges for all aspects of CAA Work.
The document which you will be most interested in for the 2018/19 prices is ORS 5 No. 336 (General Aviation) and the charges relating to SUA can be found at Section 3.11.
Why are the PfCO costs increasing?
The CAA proposed the increase in charges in the Autumn of 2017 and the reasoning behind the increases was that; as the industry is continuing to grow rapidly there is an increasing demand on the CAA to support operators and NQEs. The only way they can achieve this and (hopefully) improve their service is to increase the size of their team which requires more resource.
Where do the funds come from for that...?
What are the PfCO prices increasing to?
As of 1st April 2018, the prices regarding PfCO applications will be as follows:
- Initial Application and Issue of Standard Permissions: £247
- Renewal or Variation to Standard Permissions: £185
- Initial Application for an OSC: £1749 + £173/hour for any work required over and above 7 hours
So, as frustrating as it may be, hopefully by all paying a little bit extra; we'll see quicker turnarounds from enquiries, quicker processing of applications and we'll be able to speak to someone on the phone... Fingers Crossed!
If you have any questions or want to know more just drop us a line on +44(0)1491 526 700 or send an email to us and we'll be happy to help out!